Hyde day nursery teaches good oral health at an early age

Date Released - 30/05/2022

A day nursery in Hyde is teaching their young children about the importance of good oral health using the Early Years Oral Health resource box.

Young children who attend Banana Moon Day Nursery have been learning how to look after their teeth during National Smile Month (16 May to 16 June) and about which foods and drinks to avoid to keep their teeth and bodies healthy.

Tameside Council’s Population Health Team’s Oral Health resource box is filled with ideas and activities to encourage children to think about their oral health. 

It is so important to make sure young children brush their teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.

Managers at Banana Moon Day Nursery, Louisa Harrison and Chelsea Astle said: “We have borrowed the Early Years Oral Health resource box, it is amazing.  I would definitely recommend it to other nurseries. The children and staff are having so much fun with it and the children have learnt so much about looking after their teeth.

“We have also shared information with our parents/carers which has helped them with finding a dentist and ensuring that a good oral hygiene routine is promoted at home.”

Throughout the month, Be Well Tameside is encouraging partners who work with families and young children to help raise awareness of the importance in improving and maintaining good oral health by promoting the following messages:


  1. Brush teeth last thing at night and on at least one other occasion with family fluoride toothpaste. Spit don’t rinse.  
  2. Cut down on how much sugary food and drink you have and keep to mealtimes. 
  3. Visit your dentist regularly, as often as they recommend.  


Oral Health Co-ordinator at Be Well Tameside, Lynn Callaghan said: “Young children in Tameside have significantly worse oral health than other regions in the North West.  Working with our partners in Early Years is vital in helping to reduce these inequalities and give children the best start in life.  Poor oral health can impact on a child’s speech and language development, their confidence and self-esteem, their general health, school readiness and education.”

Early Years settings can borrow oral health resources during National Smile Month by emailing lynn.callaghan@tameside.gov.uk.

More information on improving oral health and how to access local services can be found at https://www.tameside.gov.uk/health/oralhealth.